We facilitated 9 dance workshops in community halls, day centres, and other public and private settings. We also had 10 requests to sing Jamaican folk songs with audience participation as an integral feature of our engagements. The sing- along sessions were a delight for the Senior citizens who happily sang along with us as they went down memory lane. We enjoyed interacting with all participants.
Feedback from organisers
“JANUKA delivered 7 workshops as part of a Lewisham Public Health Programme in the community to improve the health and wellbeing of residents. The workshops provided 90 minutes of quadrille dancing and Jamaican folksongs to groups of between 40-90 older adults and children in various community centres and church halls. The dances, songs and vibrant costumes provided a change from the kind of activities normally offered and opportunity for those elders from the Caribbean to share and enjoy their culture with their friends and neighbours. People in their 90s or living with dementia were able to enjoy the activities along with everyone else. The health benefits of singing and dancing is well documented. Dance is unique because it uses and strengthens your emotions, cognitive skills, physical abilities and social connections – all of which are vital for daily life. Not only is it sky high on the fun factor, it’s really good for your health. Senior Physiotherapist Lucy Rath at Bupa UK explains the health benefits of dancing in an article . These workshops provided lots of fun and laughter and were definitely what the doctor ordered. Best wishes.
(Barbara Gray, Urban Dandelion (urbandandelion.co.uk)
“Lots of great feedback. 35 people commented about the quadrille being the highlight of their holiday at home experience. “Loved the quadrille” “Haven’t heard those songs for a long time” Reminds me of home” “Fun way of exercising”
The quadrille sessions were held 4-6 times as part of the holiday at home days funded by the community neighbourhood development public health funding and at each event between 60 -100 older people took part. Many joined in the dancing and singing and it was a joy to see the pleasure in their faces. Thanks
(Lesley Allen)